Sadie Shipp
Where and how did you get your start in music?
I started taking piano lessons when I was 15-16 years old. Though I took lessons here at Arbor Music for about 14 months, I advanced to intermediate level. I still practice and try to further my music skills in order to become a better teacher.
What is your favorite style of music to play/ what is your instrument?
My musical instrument is the piano. I love playing piano pieces that are smooth, flowing, more the romantic and calming pieces.
Who is your favorite composer/musician?
My favorite piano musician/composer is Yiruma. When I was younger, I discovered his music, and immediately sought out his cd for a Christmas gift. His pieces are beautiful!
What inspired you to teach/ What do you enjoy about teaching?
I started teaching my siblings a few years ago. I really enjoyed it and as I got older, I started searching for ways to teach professionally. Starting with in home students, I found it was an incredible thing to teach a beginner how to play a beautiful instrument. Its rewarding and one day I hope my students look back and appreciate that they were taught how to play.
How do you motivate students to practice?
For positive reinforcements, I do offer candies and stickers. Though, I must say... I want to see my students feel proud that they perfected a technique or piece they have been working hard to execute perfectly. I want my students to be happy and excited to learn, not just for a little treat, but that they want to keep learning and practicing. I do tell them that practice makes perfect, and that if they want to become better piano players, they must practice. I am also constantly telling my students that they are indeed capable of doing the task, if only they keep trying and give it their all.
If I were a tree, what kind of tree would I be?
This was an interesting question. If I were a tree, I’d probably be a fruit tree; because I like to spread my knowledge by teaching. (The fruit)