As long as I can remember I have been in music. It was a huge part of
my whole life. I always knew I wanted to sing but before I started voice
lessons I took piano and violin. When I did start voice lessons at 15, I
really got into Bluegrass and Folk music and did a lot of that through
high school. I started getting more into classical singing and opera in
high school. I went to college for voice performance at Oberlin
Conservatory and later got my Masters at The Eastman School of
What is your favorite style of music to play/ what is your
primary instrument?
My primary instrument is voice! You can hear my current favorite aria
below. It is from a French Opera La fille du regiment by Donizetti.
primary instrument?
My primary instrument is voice! You can hear my current favorite aria
below. It is from a French Opera La fille du regiment by Donizetti.
Who is your favorite composer/musician?
Mozart is my favorite composer to sing and listen to! But tied in a close
second is John Mayer and Alison Krauss
Rose Kearin, voice
What inspired you to teach/ what do you enjoy about teaching?
Growing up in a musical family and as part of Arbor Music, I always knew I wanted to teach. It is really fun to get to watch people find their voice. Whether it is learning about vocal anatomy or singing a favorite song, everything about teaching voice is fun. I most enjoy the variety of people and music that I get to teach. From pop, folk, country, and indie to classical, there is so much great music and bringing it to life in a new a personal way is rewarding.
How do you motivate your students to practice?
I find ways to have every day things that people do every day factor into practicing. Doing breath exercises while brushing your teeth or watching TV is much more engaging and allows people to find a relaxed way to come at singing. I hope that by showing them how nice it is to sing in a free and easy way, they will go out and sing in the shower or the car during the week.
What are some unique things you do to make a positive impact on students musical growth?
I send personalized exercise videos after lessons so that students know what I expect and how to accomplish it during the week.
If you were a tree, what kind of tree you you be?
I would be a Weeping Willow tree